This video on "Neural Networks" will provide you with a comprehensive and detailed knowledge of Neural Networks concepts with hands-on examples.
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In this section, we'll explore neural networks.
The topics in this section are perceptron,
neural network architecture,
convolutional neural networks,
and recurrent neural networks.
Neural networks have been a buzzword
recently especially within
the deep learning revolution
that we have seen in the past few years.
The concept of the neural network first emerged
in the 1950s and began to
show up in commercial applications as early as 1962.
The simplest neural network is a perceptron.
Perceptron is a single layer neural network
that uses a list of input features.
For example, X1 to Xn.
X1 can be the cost,
Xn can be the ratings,
and these are all feature vectors.
In this case, the goal might be to determine
whether the customer will or will not
buy something based on the inputs.
In addition to the input features,
there is also the bias term,
which is like an intercept
in your linear regression models.
Actually, all those features are combined
together just as in the linear regression.
So we have this linear combination of
features from the input feature,
space, as well as the intercept.
Once we have the linear combination,
then we'll apply an activation function.
This activation function is usually non-linear,
and really depends on the problem you're trying to solve.
In this particular case,
our response variable is a binary,
one for buy, or zero for not to buy a particular product.
The natural way to apply
the activation function is by using the sigmoid function,
we saw in the last section.
Perceptron is really a very simple network.
We only have one layer,
which is composed of the sum of
the linear inputs and the activation function,
which all connect up to the output.
The idea of perceptrons was introduced a long time
ago and over time
people have added more layers to the perceptron.
For example, here we have the input layer,
we have the original layer,
and we also have some hidden layers.
Once we have multiple layers,
it becomes a neural network.
Neural networks usually contains
multiple layers and within each layer,
there are many nodes because
the neural network structure is rather complicated.
Since there are a lot of parameters in the model,
neural networks are usually very difficult to interpret.
Neural networks are also expensive to train
because the structure of the neural network
can be complicated,
and so the number of parameters
to be estimated is very large.
In Scikit-learn, there are indeed
some neural network frameworks for us to use.
But since the deep learning revolution,
people have been developing frameworks to design, train,
and estimate, and implement
neural networks in a brand new fashion.
This has led to the creation of
many layers and within each layer,
we have many nodes,
so the input data can be much more larger than before.
Because this training data in neural network
is very large and very high-quality,
can be very useful.
In the deep learning frameworks that are
popular today including MX net,
TensorFlow, Cafe, and PyTorch.
Those are developed from different sources,
but all of them can be accessed from Python.
Using Python, we can design, train, fit,
and implement a neural network very
easily for any deep learning framework.
One specific neural network that's very useful for
image analysis is called Convolutional Neural Networks.
In convolution neural network,
the input is either an image or
a sequence image that has waited.
For an image, we're using
kernels as filters to extract local features.
In the example shown here,
we have the input image and we're using
filters to convolve with
the image to create the next layer.
Depending on how many filters we're using,
will have different layers or
different channels in the output
from the convolutional layer,
one in this particular case.
Another concept in your
convolutional neural networks is the pooling layer.
Once you have a particular output,
you may want to reduce the size of bit.
To do this, we can use max pooling or average pooling.
We will reduce to just a single scalar by taking
the maximum of the two by two
or taking the average of the two-by-two.
The pooling layer is virtually
a dimension reduction process.
Based on the application
of convolutional neural networks,
you really have a lot of layers
and the number of dimensions is pretty high.
We need to reduce the size of
the data for better convergence.
We can add a few different layers for
the convolution neural networks,
but at the end of the day,
we are to convert the tensor into
a vector and make it become a fully-connected layer.
The fully connected layer will be
used to link to the output.
The output is usually a particular category of
the graph or the image that is contains.
For example, the output from
this image could be a digit zero.
By the training process,
we have a lot of good labeled data.
By using convolutional neural networks,
we can try to find out the best number of
filters and the variance in the filters
that will give us a near human-level accuracy
for image recognition.
In this particular case,
for handwritten digit recognition,
we can achieve a neural near human level of accuracy.
Another type of neural network is
called Recurrent Neural Network.
For the feed-forward,
neural network and the convolutional neural network,
the input data is relatively independent.
The neural network cannot model
the dependent structure among
different input observations.
But often for time, sharing data,
or any other natural language
processing or translation applications,
the sequence of input data really means something.
When the data involves sequential features
or time sharing features,
the recurrent neural network is the right way to go.
For example, in this high-level conceptual illustration
of a recurrent neural network,
we have the input layer,
and output layer, and all of the hidden layers.
Within the input to this recurrent neural network,
there are a set of characters,
but they do have meanings as a sequence.
So each individual word,
each individual character doesn't mean much until
we have a sequential relationship among them.
During the training process,
information flow is not just in one direction.
The information flow is actually reused in
propagating through different nodes
at different sequences.
In the final result,
the input layer and output layer are actually
connected with this recurrent neural network.
I'm [inaudible] and thank you for watching.
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