In This post we have write a c program to finding min and max element for subject of Analysis of Algorithms | Computer Engineering | Mumbai University (MU) | (Semester 4)
#include<stdio.h> struct pair
{ int min;
int max;
struct pair getMinMax(int arr[], int n)
struct pair minmax;
int i;
/*If there is only one element then return it as min and max both*/ if (n == 1)
minmax.max = arr[0]; minmax.min = arr[0]; return minmax;
/* If there are more than one elements, then initialize min and max*/
if (arr[0] > arr[1])
minmax.max = arr[0];
minmax.min = arr[1];
minmax.max = arr[1]; minmax.min = arr[0];
for (i = 2; i<n; i++)
if (arr[i] > minmax.max)
minmax.max = arr[i];
else if (arr[i] < minmax.min) minmax.min = arr[i];
return minmax;
/* Driver program to test above function */ int main()
int arr[] = {1000, 11, 445, 1, 330, 30055};
int arr_size = 6;
struct pair minmax = getMinMax (arr, arr_size);
printf("/nMinimum element is %d", minmax.min);
printf("/nMaximum element is %d", minmax.max);